Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health. It is performed for many different reasons. These include: strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, improve athletic skills, and weight loss or maintenance. Frequent and regular physical exercise boosts the immune system, and helps prevent diseases of affluence such as heart disease…etc. It also improves mental health and helps prevent depression.
Types of exercise
Exercises are generally grouped into three types depending on the overall effect they have on the human body:
Flexibility exercises such as stretching improve the range of motion of muscles and joints.
- Aerobic exercises such as cycling, swimming, walking, rowing, running, hiking.
Anaerobic exercises such as weight training, functional training.
Physical exercise is important for maintaining physical fitness and can contribute positively to maintaining a healthy weight, building and maintaining healthy bone density, muscle strength, and joint mobility, promoting physiological well-being, reducing surgical risks, and strengthening the immune system.
Frequent and regular aerobic exercise has been shown to help prevent or treat serious and life-threatening chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, and depression. Strength training appears to have continuous energy-burning effects that persist for about 24 hours after the training, though they do not offer the same cardiovascular benefits as aerobic exercises do.
Physical activity is thought to have other beneficial effects related to cognition as it increases levels of nerve growth factors, which support the survival and growth of a number of neuronal cells.
Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise also work to increase the mechanical efficiency of the heart by increasing cardiac volume (aerobic exercise), or myocardial thickness (strength training). Such changes are generally beneficial and healthy if they occur in response to exercise.
Not everyone benefits equally from exercise. There is tremendous variation in individual response to training: where most people will see a moderate increase in endurance from aerobic exercise, some individuals will as much as double their oxygen uptake, while others will never get any benefit at all from the exercise. Similarly, only a minority of people will show significant muscle growth after prolonged weight training, while a larger fraction experience improvements in strength. This genetic variation in improvement from training is one of the key physiological differences between elite athletes and the larger population. Studies have shown that exercising in middle age leads to better physical ability later in life.
Targeted fat reduction
Spot reduction is a myth that exercise and training a particular body part will preferentially shed the fat on that part; for example, that doing sit-ups is the most direct way to reduce subcutaneous belly fat. This is false: one cannot reduce fat from one area of the body to the exclusion of others. Most of the energy derived from fat gets to the muscle through the bloodstream and reduces stored fat in the entire body, from the last place where fat was deposited. Sit-ups may improve the size and shape of abdominal muscles but will not specifically target belly fat for loss. Such exercise might help reduce overall body fat and shrink the size of fat cells.
Muscle and fat tissue
One misconception is that muscle tissue will turn into fat tissue once a person stops exercising. This is not literally true — fat tissue and muscle tissue are fundamentally different — but the common expression that "muscle will turn to fat" is truthful in the sense that catabolism of muscle fibers for energy can result in excess glucose being stored as fat. Moreover, the composition of a body part can change toward less muscle and more fat, so that a cross-section of the upper-arm for example, will have a greater area corresponding to fat and a smaller area corresponding to muscle. This is not muscle "turning into fat" however — it is simply a combination of muscle atrophy and increased fat storage in different tissues of the same body part. Another element of increased fatty deposits is that of diet, as most trainees will not significantly reduce their diet in order to compensate for the lack of exercise/activity.
Excessive exercise
Exercise is a stressor and the stresses of exercise have a catabolic effect on the body - contractile proteins within muscles are consumed for energy, carbohydrates and fats are similarly consumed and connective tissues are stressed and can form micro-tears. However, given adequate nutrition and sufficient rest to avoid overtraining, the body's reaction to this stimulus is to adapt and replete tissues at a higher level than that existing before exercising. The results are all the training effects of regular exercise: increased muscular strength, endurance, bone density, and connective tissue toughness.
Too much exercise can be harmful. The body parts exercised needs at least a day of rest, which is why some health experts say one should exercise every other day or 3 times a week. Without proper rest, the chance of stroke or other circulation problems increases, and muscle tissue may develop slowly. It has also been noted by the medical field that expectant mothers should never exercise two days consecutively.
Inappropriate exercise can do more harm than good, with the definition of "inappropriate" varying according to the individual. For many activities, especially running, there are significant injuries that occur with poorly regimented exercise schedules. In extreme instances, over-exercising induces serious performance loss.
Stopping excessive exercise suddenly can also create a change in mood. Feelings of depression and agitation can occur when withdrawal from the natural endorphins produced by exercise occurs. Exercise should be controlled by each body's inherent limitations. While one set of joints and muscles may have the tolerance to withstand multiple marathons, another body may be damaged by 20 minutes of light jogging. This must be determined by each individual.
Nutrition and recovery
Proper nutrition is at least as important to health as exercise. When exercising, it becomes even more important to have a good diet to ensure that the body has the correct ratio of macronutrients whilst providing ample micronutrients, in order to aid the body with the recovery process following strenuous exercise.
Proper rest and recovery are also as important to health as exercise; otherwise the body exists in a permanently injured state and will not improve or adapt adequately to the exercise. Hence, it is important to remember to allow adequate recovery between exercise sessions. It is necessary to refill the glycogen stores in the skeletal muscles and liver. After exercise, there is a 30 minute window critical to muscle recovery. Before doing anything else, one should drink something for recovery. Liquids are ideal after exercise and there are several studies that show low-fat milk and chocolate milk as being effective recovery beverages because of its ideal 4:1 combination of carbohydrate and protein that fuels and replenishes our muscles the best.
The above two factors can be compromised by psychological compulsions (eating disorders such as exercise bulimia, anorexia, and other bulimia’s), misinformation, a lack of organization, or a lack of motivation. These all lead to a decreased state of health.
Exercise and brain function
In the long term, exercise is beneficial to the brain by:
increasing the blood and oxygen flow to the brain
increasing growth factors that help create new nerve cells and promote synaptic plasticity
increasing chemicals in the brain that help cognition, such as dopamine, glutamate, nor epinephrine, and serotonin
Categories of physical exercise
- Aerobic exercise
Anaerobic exercise
Strength training
Agility training
Active exhalation during physical exercise helps the body to increase its maximum lung capacity. This results in greater efficiency, since the heart has to do less work to oxygenate the muscles, and there is also increased muscular efficiency through greater blood flow. Consciously breathing deeply during aerobic exercise helps this development of the heart and lungs.
At its most basic, exercise is any type of physical exertion we perform in an effort to improve our health, shape our bodies and boost performance. Obviously that covers a broad range of activities and, luckily, there are plenty to go around whether you want to lose weight, get healthy or train for a sport.
The Benefits of Exercise
I could (and will) go on and on about all the things exercise can do for you, both physically and mentally. The great thing about it is that you don't need much to get the benefits. Even just a few minutes a day can improve your health, well-being and help you:
Lose weight
Reduce stress
Relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety
Reduce your risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer
Boost your mood
Give you more energy
Help you sleep better
Increase bone density
Strengthen the heart and lungs
Improve your quality of life
Motivating Yourself to Exercise
While it's important to know basic exercise guidelines and principles covered on the next few pages, I think the most important step in starting an exercise routine is exploring the idea of motivation. Without that, all the advice in the world won't do you any good.
It's important to remember that motivation doesn't just happen. It's something you make happen each and every day. If you have multiple reasons to exercise, you'll always have something to get you moving, even when motivation is short. The hardest part of exercise is getting started...if you can get that far, you've won half the battle. Some ideas:
Remind yourself of your weight loss goals
Think of a future event to get ready for (a wedding, a vacation, etc.)
Consider how much energy you'll have to get more things done
Imagine how relaxed you'll feel after a workout
Think of your exercise time as the only time you may get to yourself all day
Remind yourself how good you'll feel by following through
Promise yourself a reward for completing your workout
Think of all the diseases and illnesses your workout could protect you from
Remind yourself that this workout is necessary to reach your goal
Different types of exercise
Nothing beats getting outside and hanging out with your mates. Kicking the footy, catching up on the latest gossip while walking or just rollerblading does wonders for your mind and body.
The call of the Internet, computer games or TV can make you inactive and even anti-social. These activities are great fun but not at the expense of getting outside or experiencing the world.
There are plenty of reasons why you should exercise. Here are some examples:
- Its fun
It’s a great way to make new friends
It helps to keep you looking good
You learn new skills and improve your coordination
It is good for your internal organs like heart, lungs and circulation
It helps you get strong by increasing muscle strength and balance
Makes you feel good. It releases endorphins, which is a chemical that creates a natural high or feeling of well being.
And these are just to list a few.
Here are some cool ways to get aerobic:
Dancing (groovy!)
Ice skating
Walking (fast)
Weight lifting or anaerobic exercise
Anaerobic exercise involves muscular effort, usually short bursts followed by rest. For example sprinting and weight training. Anaerobic exercise builds your muscles and makes you stronger. When exercising anaerobically you’re muscles feel tired and it feels slower and harder to move.
So why does exercise get harder to do? The contracting muscles are not using a high amount of oxygen to assist in taking away bi-products of exercise. The bi-products of exercise build up causing muscles to slow down. Anaerobic exercise can not be sustained for long periods because of this build-up.
Here are some great ways to get strong:
As your muscles get stronger, you can be more active for longer periods of time. Stronger muscles hold joints (where two bones meet) together and help protect you from injuries.
Can you touch your toes easily without yelling "ouch"? Flexibility refers to the range of movement around a joint. For example, the knee is a joint and bending and extending it is demonstrating its flexibility. Flexibility is an important aspect of staying fit. When you participate in aerobic and anaerobic exercise your muscles get stronger, firmer and you may even have a little muscle soreness. To make sure you stay flexible, warm-up for at least 10 minutes and then stretch before exercise, and when you finish exercising cool-down and then stretch again. Stretching feels good, can decrease muscle soreness after exercise, help your muscles recover from exercise quicker and decreases injuries.
Exercise: How to Get Started
Why should I exercise?
Increased physical activity can lead to a longer life and improved health. Exercise helps prevent heart disease and many other health problems. Exercise builds strength, gives you more energy and can help you reduce stress. It is also a good way to curb your appetite and burn calories.
Who should exercise?
Increased physical activity can benefit almost everyone. Most people can begin gradual, moderate exercise on their own. If you think there is a reason you may not be able to exercise safely, talk with your doctor before beginning a new exercise program. In particular, your doctor needs to know if you have heart trouble, high blood pressure or arthritis, or if you often feel dizzy or have chest pains.
What kind of exercise should I do?
Exercises that increase your heart rate and move large muscles (such as the muscles in your legs and arms) are best. Choose an activity that you enjoy and that you can start slowly and increase gradually as you become used to it. Walking is very popular and does not require special equipment. Other good exercises include swimming, biking, jogging and dancing. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking instead of driving may also be a good way to start being more active.
How long should I exercise?
Start off exercising 3 or more times a week for 20 minutes or more, and work up to at least 30 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week. This can include several short bouts of activity in a day. Exercising during a lunch break or on your way to do errands may help you add physical activity to a busy schedule. Exercising with a friend or a family member can help make it fun, and having a partner to encourage you can help you stick to it.
How do I avoid injuring myself?
The safest way to keep from injuring yourself during exercise is to avoid trying to do too much too soon. Start with an activity that is fairly easy for you, such as walking. Do it for a few minutes a day or several times a day. Then slowly increase the time and level of activity. For example, increase how fast you walk over several weeks. If you feel tired or sore, ease up somewhat on the level of exercise, or take a day off to rest. Try not to give up entirely even if you don't feel great right away! Talk with your doctor if you have questions or think you have injured yourself seriously.
Exercise is fun, get outside and take a breath of fresh air!

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